Jeff Triplett

Pro-Tip - Extend Django Templates Smartly

You can use a variable to set the name of the template you are extending when using Django templates.

Frank Wiles

Django Birthday: Recap

Our recap of the Django's 10th Birthday Party

Frank Wiles

Django Birthday Party

Django is turning 10 years old this summer and we're throwing it a birthday party in the city where it was born.

Frank Wiles

Improved Django Tests

Improve your Django Tests using django-test-plus' helpful additions to the standard Django TestCase

Frank Wiles

Django Performance: 4 Simple Things

Four simple steps you can take to improve the performance of your Django applications

Frank Wiles

Wagtail 1.0 (beta) best Django CMS?

Is Wagtail the best Django CMS? Review of Wagtail 1.0 features and our experiences using it.

Frank Wiles

RevSys Roundup - March 2015

March 2015 update on happenings around Revolution Systems including our new team member Stephen Spencer

Frank Wiles

Loading Django FileField and ImageFields from the file system

How to load files into Django models, not via a file upload, but from a script or Python shell.

Frank Wiles

Recommended Django Project Layout

Our recommendation for the optimal Django project layout for your files, settings, and templates.

Frank Wiles

Upgrade salt-master and minions on Ubuntu servers

Quickly, safely and easily upgrade SaltStack entirely from your Salt master

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