Lacey Henschel

Pro-Tip - A Tip About DRF Permissions

I needed to structure permissions in an API view that had multiple user roles, and I learned about using the & (and), | (or) and ~ (not) operators with Django REST Framework permissions.

Lacey Henschel

Custom Exceptions in Django REST Framework

I was working on a project with a coworker recently and I noticed in one of their pull requests that they used a custom exception in one of our Django REST Framework viewsets. I prefer this way to what I was doing before, so I wanted to share it with you!

Stephen Spencer

Pro-Tip - SSH_AUTH_SOCK, tmux and you

tmux is awesome. I have used it for years. This post is not about tmux but about solving a problem in the context of tmux.

Lacey Henschel

How to Add Django Models to the Wagtail Admin

When working with Wagtail, you might find that you're using Wagtail Page models for some of your database models, but regular Django models for others. In this post, learn how to add your Django models to the Wagtail admin to make managing multiple types of models easier.

Lacey Henschel

Using Different Read and Write Serializers in Django REST Framework

On a recent project, we needed to use different serializers for GET vs POST/PUT/PATCH requests to our API. Read on to learn how we used a mixin to accomplish this goal.

Flavio Curella

Dataclasses and attrs: when and why

Python 3.7 introduced dataclasses, which design is based on the "attrs" library. This article will show the way I use dataclasses and attrs, why I think you should use both, and why I think attrs is still very relevant.

Stephen Spencer

Pro-Tip - jetstack/cert-manager on GKE Private Clusters

how to train your validating admission controller webhook without losing a hand

Stephen Spencer

Pro-Tip - Helm & RBAC: Polishing the Doorknob

Because someone has to right this stuff down...

Stephen Spencer

Pro-Tip - GKE: part 2

Accessing a New GKE Cluster

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